Anatomy of an Implementation Guide
The starting point for the development of a CIECA-based integration is the Implementation Guide (IG). Each message has an aligned Implementation Guide (IG) that provides important information to help achieve a successful implementation. Note: The abbreviation 'IG' is used commonly throughout the documentation.
An IG consists of 'recommendations' that guide the user through the process of an implementation based on the knowledge and experience of the committees that created the standards.
The IG consists of two sections:
- Common Recommendations: These are recommendations that apply to all implementations, regardless of use case.
- Business Use Case / Specific Recommendations: For messages that vary by industry segment or use case, this section contains recommendations unique to each use case.
Common Recommendations
There are a number of elements of integrations that are common to any implementation. Aggregates such as Admin information, Party information and Vehicle information include information that is necessary for the use case.
Business Use Case / Specific Recommendations
Business Use Case / Specific Recommendations
CIECA Standards support a wide range of use cases. Estimate, Rental, Parts and Salvage are examples of use cases that may follow a similar path but will have variations depending on the industry / use case. There can also be variations based on the service or message.
Implementation Guide - Detail Page
Each recommendation in the Implementation Guide (IG) provides details on the recommendation as it applies to the Data Dictionary, Test Instances, Data and Code List References. To provide a consistent user experience, a Recommendation Detail page provides a consistent layout and structure of recommendation details.