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The CIECA Webinar Series provides a forum to share timely and relevant information with the collision industry. CIECA provides an opportunity for industry experts to share information critical to the future of the industry in an objective and unbiased setting. CIECA Webinars are not intended for commercial sales presentations.  CIECA Webinars are held monthly and are recorded and available for playback through        

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Recent CIECAST Webinars

Jul 2024

Arif Rafiq

Why the Collision Industry Should Be Interested in V2X

Arif Rafiq, Transportation industry expert discusses connected vehicles and how V2X (Vehicle to Everyting) technology will be critical to the future of mobility.

Jun 2024

What the Collision Industry Needs to Know About

the Unauthorized Use of Its Information & Data

Pete Tagliapietra, managing director of DataTouch, who will be discussing how the lack of data and information security is adversely affecting the collision industry.

May 2024

Rav Mendriatta

The Fundamentals of Generative AI, Large Language Models and Implications for the Collision Industry

Gaurav (Rav) Mendriatta explores the fundamentals of generative artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting its distinctions from traditional AI models, and the recent advancements in large language models (LLMs). This will include the advent of ChatGPT, which he said has democratized access to these technologies.

Apr 2024

CIECA API Standards:  A Roadmap for the Future

Dan Webster, Chair of the CIECA Architecture Committee and Paulette Reed, CIECA Project Coordinator, discuss the development of the CIECA API Standards and provide details on how they are being constructed and the benefits they bring to the industry.

Feb 2024

Embracing Technology to Be Successful in the Collision Industry

Mike Anderson, owner of Collision Advice discusses opportunities for the industry to improve performance through the adoption and enhancement of technology in the collision industry.

Jan 2024

Top Collision Industry trends to Watch in 2024

Ryan Mandell, director of claims performance for Mitchell International, Inc. shares industry data and information regarding the used vehicle market, ADAS, Calibration, supply chain issues and the rising costs of vehicle repair.

Dec 2023

The Increasing Demand for AI and Data in the Collision Industry

Sumit Chauhan of CerebrumX discusses artificial intelligence (AI) and data trends impacting the collision industry including how to harness data from connected vehicles to prevent collisions, steps being taken to ensure data is accurate and reliable, the role of OEMs in facilitating the data and the integration of AI in self-driving cars and how it will impact liability.

Oct 2023

CIECA 2023 R2 Release

CIECA’s Architecture Committee and Paulette Reed, CIECA’s technical project manager, discuss:

  • Updates made to the 2023R2,
  • Information about the development of CIECA API Standards (CAPIS) and how they are being structured, and
  • Two members companies will talk about their use of CAPIS.

Aug 2023

Current & Forecasted Collision Industry Trends

Bart Mazurek, Vice President, Automotive Services Group (ASG) Consulting & Services, CCC Intelligent Solutions shares economic trends, repair metrics and the significant impact EV's are bringing to the market.

Jul 2023

Industry Challenges and the Need for Transparency

During the live broadcast, John Eck, Michael Giarrizzo and David Willett discuss current industry challenges and the importance of all industry stakeholders working together.

Jun 2023

The Future Digital Landscape:  

Chuck Olsen, Sr. VP Operations & Automotive Technology at AirPro Diagnostics discusses “blue-sky thinking” and it's impact on new technologies the collision industry is currently learning about, what stakeholders can expect to see in the near and extended future and how it may impact businesses.

Olsen recommends that the industry embrace 

May 2023

The Future of Automotive Technologies

Chris Chesney, VP Training and Organizational Development discusses where the industry is in relation to the goals of the government, the effects of the global economy and the constantly advancing technologies.

Apr 2023

OpenAPI Development 

Best Practices & Lessons Learned

Darrel Miller, Microsoft API Architect shares information on the upcoming developments in OpenAPI and best practices for the industry.

Mar 2023

How to Adapt to the Speed of Change in the Collision Industry… Without Getting Crushed

Ryan Taylor of BodyShop Booster shares the secrets of embracing Upstream Thinking, how to adapt to the technology wave and From Fear to Freedom, how the military uses changes as a fuel for advancement.