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Valuation Services

The Valuation Services provide valuation report.  This can be a Total Loss Valuation or Salvage Valuation, or both.

Use Case

Overview Pre-Conditions, Triggers, Outcome, Industry Benefits of using Valuation Services.


Detailed flowcharts that represent the Assignment workflows in the Collision Industry.

Data Dictionary

Definitions of all related data elements and a comprehensive description of the standards usage.

(Reference Section 14)

Code List

Comprehensive list of all industry standard codes for use in collision industry API and webservices






CIECA BMS Messages

Valuation Add

The Valuation message is to request a Valuation be completed; this can be a Total Loss Valuation or Salvage Valuation, or both

Valuation Report Add

The Valuation Report message is to provide a valuation report to the requestor.

Valuation Additional Information Request Add

The Valuation message is to request additional information so a Valuation can be completed, this can be for one or many valuation types.  The Valuation Requestor will send the additional information in another Valuation Request.

Valuation Cancel

Valuation Cancel is used to cancel a Valuation Request.

Valuation Status

The Valuation Status Request message is used to confirm cancellation of a Valuation Request.

Valuation Inquiry

Valuation Inquiry is used to inquire as to the status of a Valuation Request, to provide the status of a Valuation Request.

Valuation Response

This message can be used as a generic response indicating the message was received and was able to be parsed.  The message may have flowed through Data Intermediaries.