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Status Services

The Status Services are to exchange status messages.  (Currently only for Subrogation)

Use Case

Overview Pre-Conditions, Triggers, Outcome, Industry Benefits of using Survey Services.


Detailed flowcharts that represent the Assignment workflows in the Collision Industry.

Data Dictionary

Definitions of all related data elements and a comprehensive description of the standards usage.

(Reference Section 17)

Code List

Comprehensive list of all industry standard codes for use in collision industry API and webservices






CIECA BMS Messages

Subrogation Status

This is the Subrogation Status Request message.  Subrogation Vendors findings is sent in a message to the Demanding Party, may also be a request for additional information from the Demanding Party, and may also include a recommendation.  This may include a recommendation for settlement, arbitration, litigation, or to close the file; and may also be a request for additional information. 

Subrogation Inquiry

This is the Subrogation Inquiry Request message.  The inquiry message may be used to send requested and/or additional information to the vendor (subrogation, investigative, and arbitrator/mediator) or to request a status on one or multiple files. 

Subrogation Demand Exchanges Status

The Subrogation Demand Status message is to exchange information between the Demanding Party and Responsible Party after the Demand has been made. 

Status Responses

These message(s) are confirmation of receipt messages back to the party sending the message.