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Estimate Services

The Estimate Services details of the needed repair or damage estimate, including parts and dollars.

Use Case

Overview Pre-Conditions, Triggers, Outcome, Industry Benefits of using Estimate Service.


Detailed flowcharts that represent the Estiamte workflows in the Collision Industry.

Data Dictionary

Definitions of all related data elements and a comprehensive description of the standards usage.

(Reference Section 5)

Code List

Comprehensive list of all industry standard codes for use in collision industry API and webservices






CIECA EMS Messages


Estimate Management Standard is an Interoperability Standard intended to provide a standard structure to support the exchange of proprietarily formatted information between applications used within the vehicle repair industry.

CIECA BMS Messages

Vehicle Damage Estimate Add

The Vehicle Damage Estimate messages are to send estimates back to the party making the assignment.   This message may also be sent to salvage vendors.  Rental companies receive this message for use in estimating rental periods.

Vehicle Damage Estimate Change

The Vehicle Estimate Change messages are to send estimates back to the party making the assignment.  This message may also be sent to salvage vendors.  Rental companies receive this message for use in estimating rental periods.

Estimate Response(s)

The Estimate Response message(s) is to send confirmation of receipt messages back to the party sending the message. 

Vehicle Damage Photo Estimate Add

The Vehicle Photo Estimate messages are to send estimates back to the party making the assignment, however for a photo estimate this will likely be the first estimate message and may not have an Assignment message preceding it.   This includes vehicle damage claims and may include glass repairs.  This message may also be sent to salvage vendors.  Rental companies receive this message for use in estimating rental periods. 

Property Damage Estimate Add

The Property Estimate messages are to send estimates back to the party making the assignment, this includes vehicle damage claims and may include glass repairs.  This message may also be sent to salvage vendors.  Rental companies receive this message for use in estimating rental periods.